PROBLEM: Curate an interactive installation prototype that addresses a social justice topic
SOLUTION: Art installation prototype and iOS application focused highlighting on the issues of media and immigration
MY ROLE: Lead Developer, Project Management, Videographer/Editor


Perspectives is an interactive art installation prototype created to address the issues of media and immigration. The goal was to bring light to the actual stories of immigrants rather than the false and negative views that media tends to show. The installation consists of a wall that begins to show negative media news stories and headlines to the user when they enter. A companion iOS app guides the user to move closer to the wall. As the user moves toward the wall, the headlines begin to disappear and a figure of an immigrant appears. The figure begins to tell their personal story of immigration to the United States and the user can follow along on the app. The app also allows the user to connect with the individual through social media and also leave positive feedback or thoughts that will post to the wall in real time and surround them.  


This video is about Group7_VideoStoryboard



This was the companion app for the installation I designed within Photoshop and Xcode. Version 1 of our app mainly focused on showcasing the interactions with the user and basic movement throughout the app. For version 2 we were tasked by our instructor to make one feature of the app functional. The idea we came up with was to access the iPhone's motion data (accelerometer/tilt/roll) to have the screen or stories change based on which wall you pointed the phone to which we coded within XCode.