PROBLEM: Qualitative research project focused on finding ways to increase awareness and interaction with sustainability screens implemented around the campus.
SOLUTION: Qualitative user research & UI redesign
MY ROLE: UX researcher/designer
TEAM: Su Li, Julian Ngo, Tammy Tran, Chelsea Tao



Partnering with the Sustainability office at UW Bothell, the Lucid Screens redesign was a qualitative research project that was focused on finding ways to increase awareness and interaction with screens implemented around the campus. Lucid Screens are a third party database and content management system that were installed to displayed key information about sustainability and energy use in each of the buildings. With the investment of these screens, the sustainability office was hoping to bring awareness to the sustainability efforts around campus and create an interactive experience for students.



With the usage of these screens being extremely low, we had to modify our approach to obtaining qualitative data and develop an alternate way to do field observations. To address this, we reached out to students and classmates to come interact with the screens and give us the opportunity to ask them questions. We repeated this process several times and collected data through written observations and recordings. This data was color coded using an AEOUT (Activities, Environment, Objects, Users, Time) format and we developed several findings through close analysis. I participated in several of the field observations with students and assisted in coding the data & analysis.


From our research and findings, we created two potential solutions: a content/visual redesign that the sustainability office could look to implement immediately and a complete UI overhaul that would also incorporate an AI camera to increase interaction with the screens. I designed for the practical solution and focused on creating a UI that was attractive and relatable for students while still maintaining certain aspects of Lucid.